
Latest Lion Aid News

Tag: Young Ambassador



We are absolutely thrilled to welcome our newest Young Ambassador, Millie K Siggins into the LionAid fold.

In the words of her lovely mum, Paula:

"Mille is your average 9 year old girl who enjoys to be outside on long walks through woodlands looking out for signs of local wildlife or walking through the canal networks & wetlands watching either small garden birds or the larger birds around the lakes .. Always with a camera in hand .. Millie has always had a soft spot for Big Cats, her interest began to soar with with Lion Rescues Masrya & Nero and SA wild leopard Orphans Tia & Zora, sending her saved pocket money out for a tasty meal for the Cubs. Millie began taking photographs of the 4 big cats into school sharing with her friends in class & teachers their stories, since being in year 4 subjects for homework such as wildlife in the local environment , choosing one species from Savannah or Rainforest studying the plight of the species and how they have adapted to changes in their habitat, and formulating discussions with the subject being the good/bad of zoos have seen Millie's ability to promote the plight of Big Cats both Wild & in captivity blossom .. Millie is now planning to start a club in school for her class "SpotsKids" and hopes more of her friends will become involved in learning the plight of big cats and how we can effect their future .."


Pieter and I had the privilege of meeting Millie at the recent March to Stop Lion Trophy Hunting in London where Millie worked so hard all day, handing out leaflets, marching with us with her banner held aloft and talking about her passion for lions wherever she could.

Millie was recently honoured by her school to give her first public speech about her experiemce at the Lion March. You can hear what Millie had to say here



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