Image Galleries for LionAid Campaigns

These galleries show images from LionAid Campaigns.

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The elephant joins the paradeThe  Hon. Minister of Tourism, Sylvia MaseboThe Livingstone LIONSave Our Lions!
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The Hon. Minister of Tourism, Sylvia Masebo

The  Hon. Minister of Tourism, Sylvia Masebo

Zambia's  Hon. Minister of Tourism as she marched past the World Lion Day Parade on a fantastic Cultural event she was leading. She was a bit surprised to have all 150 children roaring "lion like" at her from across the street. 

World Lion Day in Zambia

The first World Lion Day was celebrated in many places across the world on the 10th August 2013.

In Livingstone, in Zambia, 150 children got together to get the message across loud and clear that we need to save the lion!